William Kenlon


Years at Source: 2016
Biography: Dr. William Kenlon, based in Washington D.C., is a composer specializing in music for chamber, choral, and jazz ensembles. Described as "pointed and groovy" (New Music Box), Kenlon's music has garnered praise for its "lyrical personality that is original and strong" (Boston Musical Intelligencer), and for its sophisticated tonal explorations: "solid without being dense, clear without being sparse, and ever-changing without being random" (ibid). Enjoying frequent performances across the U.S. and in Europe, Kenlon has studied with composers from a variety of traditions and backgrounds, including John Hilliard, Jason Haney, Chuck Dotas, John McDonald, and Mark Edwards Wilson; he has also taken lessons with Forrest Pierce, Gabriela Lena Frank, Stacy Garrop, and Libby Larsen. Kenlon has studied at McGill University and at the New England Conservatory, and holds the B.Mus. degree (magna cum laude) from James Madison University, the M.A. from Tufts University, and the D.M.A. from the University of Maryland. Following a stint as a Visiting Professor of Music at St. Mary's College of Maryland, he is currently a freelance composer and singer, a faculty member at the University of Maryland and Catholic University, and a co-founder of the District New Music Coalition.
Website: www.williamkenlon.com
Source Moment: Coming back to Minneapolis for the Sparks & Wiry Cries "SongSlam" two years after attending Source and learning that I still had an incredible community of friends and colleagues there!

Bonus Recording: