Ryan Johnston


Years at Source: 2017
Biography: Ryan Johnston is a Minnesotan composer who strives to write music of moments, emphasizing the semiotic power of harmony to open vast worlds of meaning. His attention to harmonic sensuousness and transparent textures is a result of his musical studies in Paris, France. Festival attendance in the past has included the 2019 European American Musical Alliance, 2017 Source Song Festival, and the 2016 Junior Composers Institute. Ryan’s music has been performed by notable performers and ensembles such as Clara Osowski (mezzo), Andrew Cannestra (solo piano), the University of Minnesota Symphonic Band, and the Artaria String Quartet. in Fall 2020, he plans to move to Boston to pursue a Master’s degree at Boston Conservatory. Other studies have been with Alex Lubet at the University of Minnesota and Michel Merlet at the École Normale de Musique de Paris.
Website: https://soundcloud.com/ryanjohnston24
Source Moment: My favorite memory from Source is the vast array of songs that were presented during the festival. It truly opened my eyes to what art song could be and how beautifully the medium can represent the human condition.