Liam Moore


Years at Source: 2014
Biography: Liam Moore wants the music stuck in his head to get stuck in yours. He deals mostly in song, writing primarily for solo voice, choir, and chamber ensembles. Liam’s music draws from a wide array of styles but keeps a focus on threading indelible melodies through novel environments.

Liam participated in the inaugural Source Song Festival in 2014 and the VocalEssence ReMix program in 2015, received second place at the 2018 Sparks & Wiry Cries Minneapolis songSLAM, and attended Art Song Lab in Vancouver in 2019.

When he’s not writing concert music, Liam is writing for himself, setting his own highly personal texts and wrapping them in lush instrumentation.

For a while, Liam was concerned about letting his world of “classical music” mix with his world of “everything else”. But, like many things, genre is a spectrum. He’s now working to remind us that all music has always been “everything else."
Source Moment: Not to be trite, but the first weekend of MNSong – stepping out of "real life" into a community of song creators, performers, and general enthusiasts – was a magical experience. Source continues to be a kind of oasis in the doldrums of reality, nurturing art and conversation in our community.

Bonus Recording: